4:19 maybe you need to pull that stick out of your ass and realize that this is not a serious forum and the majority of people on here are JOKING. Wether or not you find it humorous is inconsequential.
and for the record: retards are not people
wow 4pm thats really a stupid thing to think I'm a personal care assistant and I work at a group home for the mentally disabled, and to say they aren't like real people and they don't have feelings is just ignorant of you. Thats like saying that a two year old or three year old isn't a person and don't have feelings, its absurd and I have seen myself that they most certainly do have feelings maybe you need to quit being so closed minded and idiotic.
i care, 2:10
it offends me, too.
i work with chidren with SPECIAL NEEDS and i've seen many of them cry because someone has used that word about them.
it absolutely breaks my heart.
I heart that movie. Carla: "but do you have the one that goes 'I'm gonna love you like nobody's loved youuuu...'"; Daniel: "NO BLUES!!!"
...and last Thanksgiving, we DID it...and it was beautiful!
@833 if you're offended go somewhere else. just saying your offended does nothing but antagonize the rest of us. And besides, it's not like there's no where else for you to go. I even have a suggestion, maybe you could check out a woman having sex with a donkey because that's what you sound like when you say you're offended on this site. the donkey, not the woman...you sound like the donkey and you look like one too!
I find this very offensive, especially since I have a family member who is Autistic - and he's only nine years old.
And for the record, I'm pretty sure because this movie is on Lifetime, it's the movie called "Profoundly Normal." I could be wrong, though, but I watched this movie not that long ago.
ive worked with mentally challenge kids and they use the word retarded.....as in.......you think im retarded you should see my brother(and her brother isnt mentally handicapped) so get over it.
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