One of my coworkers created an elaborate theory about girls pooping, that says they all do it once a year, in a factory, and they produce Peeps. Think about THAT next time you eat a little yellow marshmallow chick. :)
1:53 and 1:57, I'm going to write that book, too - except I'd substitute "guys" and "wife or girlfriend" for "girls" and "husband or boyfriend." Just as many paunchy 20-something married guys walking around out there...
7:55, you are clearly not from the South. The belles never put on weight. God forbid they risk their Manolo Blahniks. Those chicks don't see looking hot as something good to do, they see it as war.
My friend also has a theory, his theory is that girls don't poop OR fart, and he says this is why their a$$e$ get bigger when they get older. Sadly this friend is 25 and not 7 like the quote would lead one to think.
oh and also i'm eating chocolate cake and it might result in....BRACE YYOURSELVES....poo? oh lordy..................................yes ima drunk tfln reader.....inspiration
What a great book! I just copyrighted the title - do me a favor and work real hard on it while I sit back, do nothing, and take all your money =)
WOW, i sound just like a liberal...
If you don't stop - you'll go blind.
If you shower or Pee after sex w/out a condom - No Babies. Also jumping up and down immediately afterwards works too....
Everyone always wears a condom.
Pot is perfectly acceptible to everyone these days.
To the people saying men are dumbasses for not knowing is stupid. He said he myths he WISHED he still believed. Just because we don't like knowing that a cute as girl is dropping loads too. It just kinda sucks haha.
Men are so fucking stupid. Women are humans and do the same things as you do. We fart, we shit, we cuss, we grow body hair, we blow snot from our noses. IF you can't accept these things, buy a fucking blow up doll and leave us the hell alone.
holy jesus i tried to read the first ten posts .. im too drunk to do so. but. point is that ... i love you 1:57 and im a chica and my pops and bro both agree: girls don't do anything....BATHROOMY. its true. i'm a chica and we don't EVER produce such nonsense. hehe....
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