11:53, you're wonderful
12:39, you're an idiot and killed the funny for me until I went back and read the text again.
To everyone crying over how offensive or sad this is, please realize that we're finding the situation hilarious, not the condition of the girl. The reaction of the texter is hilarious too, as we can definitely see how freaking unexpected and awkward it would be to be RIGHT NEXT to the girl when this happened.
I really don't think that the person who texted that was a doctor... I think that they were more likely just an innocent bystander. Therefore, no medical ethical code was breeched in the making of this text.
This shouldn't be on a public site because it's too descriptive of the patient (if it was a real person) and therefore a breech of privacy under HIPPA law. Please remove it.
Moments like this only happen in movies, I think they should be thankful to have observed this - shit like that makes the world a fucking AWESOME place to be....
if you have a sense of humor, I mean.
Preferably one of bad taste - then it's just all the more fun.
I'm not being sarcastic, either.
8:14, I'd have my babies too if I could. Spelling may not be your strength, but at least you have good taste. I am a chick, however, so our relationship may not have long-term potential usually reserved for TFLN love-affairs.
we are ignorant because we are able to accept the fact that the syndrome is horrible and not funny in slightest, but can look past that and still laugh at concept of the situation? no, my child, thou art the ignorant one.
To be honest, i'm not quite sure what this means, but the thought of it.... just makes me happy...think about it. WHAT COULD BE BETTER THAN WATCHING A FAT GIRL PUNCH HERSELF IN THE FACE FOR BEING FAT?? Except maybe punching herself in the face later, for punching herself earlier, for being fat!
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