Ok, all of you who said she's a keeper, you need to find classier girls. Thats gross and no girl should be proud of ever doing that. I had a girl I went to high school with do that. She was so proud of herself when people would bark at her. All the guys that had any sense at all stayed away from her. I would suggest you doing that too.
i doubt this is a rip off at all. obviously shit like this happens or sleeping dogs lie wouldnt have been made into a movie to begin with. people are sick.
I am not sure why a girl would find it necessary to resort to beastiality (sp?). Unless your hideous, you can get a (maybe not the best looking) guy to sleep with you.
Women have sex with animals. It happens. That's why many ancient cultures had specific prohibitions against it, or institutionalized it.
Not that men are any better. Hence all the jokes about shepherds and sheep.
i'm suuure it's probably fake and if you ever find out it's real and you plan on doing her make sure you wear a condom because that's hardcore disease...
and 5:42, hilarious XD
I know a girl who did that. Probably the only action she ever got! Oh well, she just went on and on about how great it was to have her dog lick her. Ick, some people really have issues.
I'M FROM MINNEAPOLIS (612) I KNOW WHO THIS FUCKING TEXT IS ABOUT!!! THAT SHIT IS SOOOO FUNNY!!! OMG. AND I'VE HEARD THE STORY TOO! LMFAO!!! To the other people who said they think they know who it was: Was the girl a Miller? Cuz that's the girl I'm thinking of
ok, you all know that you can find any kind of porn now, right? and there is a shit ton of animal stuff out there. takes a special kind of weirdo to like it, but its there. oh, and btw, maybe consider that she was abused? i know someone that was severely sexually abused as a kid. sexual abuse fucks a kid up because it feels 'good'. pets don't judge, and the won't hurt you, and you have control over it. its a step before finding someone human that's smaller and weaker than you to do it t
i swear this is just a quote from the movie sleeping dog lies... or is it called stay.. i cant rememeber.. its a messed movie but im hoping this is just a quote from it
This falls into the category of animal abuse. Seriously, this is disgusting. The girl and anyone else who thinks it's okay to get pleasure from an animal is seriously disturbed and should--in my opinion--not even be allowed to live, but realistically they should get some mental help or go to jail.
Holy shiiiit I think this text is about me. Who the f!!!! texted this, Jim? Michael? Alex? or....?
Alex if this is you, we are done. If its Jim, call me sweety.
I know a girl who got really drunk in high school and lost her virginity to her dog.
Like, in front of a bunch of people at a party.
I wonder if its the same girl.
Trust me when I say this is true. I know this girl, partied with her a bunch. I'm pretty sure I'm probably friends with the guy who posted originally cuz one of my buddies is always debating whether or not he should fuck her. nasty shit, it's a shame too cuz she's really hot. except for, y'know, the whole dog-fucking thing...
this is from minneapolis. i live in saint paul. i know a girl who blew her dog when she was drunk.
don't form a relationship with her. she's psychotic.
Hint to all the inexperienced kids posting here. Dogs won't give you any disease, they can be bigger than guys, they're happy to lick pussy, they've got the knot, and they won't go posting your texts or pictures somewhere or bragging to their friends. A *lot* of girls have tried it, drunk or sober, and somewhere between 1 and 5% of them keep doing it.
Get over it.
It's gross but that's pretty much it. She didn't really hurt anyone (you really think the dog cares? Have you ever tried getting a dog to do something it doesn't want to? It's fucking impossible. Besides, he eats his own shit.) and there's plenty of things worse than being gross.
Plus it's in the past, and if she's grown up to be a mostly well-adjusted person it really shouldn't be relevant.
The text doesn't necessarily have to be true. It's not a legit quote from that movie, but maybe OP tried to quote the movie...or maybe was just joking around about it with his friends. Nothing in the post means the story was true
True or not, there ARE people out there who do this sorta shit.... its beyond me how someone would let a DOG near their vag. Besides being just wrong, can you say UTI and yeast infections? Grossss.
pretty sure the peanut butter thing is an urban legend...
At my first high school there was some girl who supposedly did that,
then when i moved there was a girl at my new school everyone said had done that.
so i doubt it's true
I knew a girl once who told me she let her dog lick her... I said, "Ew, what did you do... rub Alpo down there??" She laughed and said "No, peanut butter!" .... I was all done with her after that!
"Holy shiiiit I think this text is about me. Who the f!!!! texted this, Jim? Michael? Alex? or....?
Alex if this is you, we are done. If its Jim, call me sweety." So you banged a dog and you have three boyfriends? cough herpes cough
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