dude...occasionally vaginas smell funny. it's a fact of life. everybody needs to chill out on the RARR STANKY SLUT shit.
to be fair, ballsacks? never smell even okay, always smell like a sack of balls.
and furthermore, who gives a fuck what he said? you got yours. hahaha.
I love the fact that you weren't sure what he said so you just left...lmao I just keep visualizing what this guy was thinkin' when you were gettin' your stuff.."wtf, seriously she's gonna bitch me like that?" Hate to eat and run kinda scenario.
it could have been their first date, but not the first time we've done that
maybe tehy've known eachother of a long time or something
idk just standing up for op (:
I'd think if there was an odor he'd have mentioned it before he finished, so you found a guy that doesn't like to give oral? I'd say it probably isn't worth the second date.
"there, flip over"??
yeah the first date munch indicates he's not exactly looking for something serious anyway, honey. keep it in your pants next time.
Stick ur finger up there for a min and give it a sniff then u can be sure!!! But ur a dumb chick I bet that never even occurrd to u! FYL well ur sex life anyway haha
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