Lmao, the Jerry Springer Show's triumphant return. His wife cheats on him, gets an STD, and gives it to him. He then cheats on her, and respectively infects his mistress with the same STD. Indeed, what goes around does in fact come around...
Really. She referred to him as boyfriend, not that guy I slept with. you're awfully quick to come to the defense of a homewrecker (not that he's remotely innocent), talking about not being quick to judge, but are a mouth breathing, gaay bashing homophobe?
You're quick to judge them. Before you bring politics in to this, I was a card carrying Republican, until Bush bailed everyone and their brother out. Now I'm a Libertarian, because our philosophies make more sense. Personally hope they all have the herp.
listen up tubby. I didn't judge any homosexuals. I just called it like they said it. sounds like you're almost completely out of the closet...why don't you just suck it up and come all the way out?
Anyone consider that the referenced married couple may have an open relationship? It may well be that no one's cheating here. Being careless and stupid, yes, but maybe not cheating.
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