The urine will not deter the deer, they cannot smell the difference between human and animal piss. The hair idk about and I've never heard of using blood but go for it.
Tell your mom to crack an egg, beat it and pour it into a spray bottle then fill with water. The animaks don't like the "dead" smell. Only problem: you have to respray after each rain. It works.
There is deer all over the place here in Guilford County. Hell, I've dodged a few on Pinecroft just down the road from Four Seasons Mall. And don't think we don't have Coyotes and black bears in the area.... we certainly do.
Tell your mom that using dried blood that you can buy at any hardware store or a product called liquid fence works just as well. No need to resort to that weird ass shit even if it works!
burlington? i bet that's from the dirty chat, son!
but try a bar of soap in like a sock or some panty hose tied around it. anything that smells like humans, they dislike.
deer like deer urine. hunters use it to attract bucks. however, if you've ever smelled deer urine it is NOTHING like human. idk about any of these remedies but i gotta love NC
its the human smell on the hair that spooks the animals, it makes them think that there is a predator around.....its the same concept with the urine. The blood makes them think that there is danger also
Wait... so you sprinkle other peoples dirty hair or your own urine on and around your plants? Or just around them? I'm confused... Normal people in California just put up chicken wire or something like it...
We put dried blood and hair around our plants, it works amazing and doesn't have the look or upkeep of chain fences or expense of electric ones. The first poster was right, dried blood is sold in flakes at hardware and gardening stores, no biggie.
1. Deers is not a word. Deer plural is simply deer.
2. Urine, does work to keep deer away from crops. You do not put it on the produce, just around the area. What also works: a sniper from a deer stand :)
3. Wilmywood? Really? Wilmington is 910 not 919
Yeah but after a while the deer will just get used to the smell of the hair. Urine doesn't work at all. The only thing that really works is electric fence, but it is kind of expensive.
Bucks hate urine, it attracts them because they think it's another buck and they want to take the territory, ever notice how they'll run away from you, but will attack you if you use the urine? Exactly
why this would make anyone proud to be from NC is beyond me.... there's always Wilkes county: the retarded, in-bred cousin to watauga that isnt allowed to play with the other counties because it might spread disease. God help me i need to get out of this state.
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