wait, would it be up front beside the landing strip? because that would be funny. if it's on the lips than that just seems like the makings of rug burn
12:12 agreed.. it like tring to get people to call swine flu H1N1
that may be the technical term... but everyone already knows what youre talking about so who gives a fuck
i think im going to do this for a night...i think my bf would laugh his ass off. but then i would have to go finish shaving it off. cause the idea of keeping it seriouslly it slightly awkward lol.
let's just say i'd be very very very surprised to say the least if i saw "sideburns" on a girl down there. would it be interesting and probably make me crack up laughing, especially in referrence to this text? most definitely. if she got offended by my laughter i'd just have to say, "wtf, you shaved sideburns/two runways on your vag (vulva, sorry to the dr./bio major).
you know if a man prefers you to shave down there maybe he is a pervert and really likes little girls, sick. god invented women the way he thought they should be not how men desire them to change
i like the pussy when she is a shaven. if she smooth, she my willy wonka gold ticket. I celebrate and hug her and procede to lick the best fruit in the world ;) lol
10:43...its just known that people refer to the vulva as the vagina.
so quit correcting people, they're not gonna stop doing it.
its thought of as interchangeable.
chill out.
@4:08- I agree to a point. God didn't make women hairless there but God also didn't make people most of the ways we alter ourselves to be. But I do agree, men need to cool it and just accept that a lot of women got some bush. Trimming and maintaining some neatness is fine, waxing/shaving = no thanks.
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