I was to tired to jerk him off, so he made me hold it while he thrusted into my hand.
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doesn't matter had sex
laughed out loud to ur response. thanks
...Still Counts
You could have just as easily held it with your mouth while he did that.
I don't understand why you wouldn't suggest a face fuck. I feel like a hand fuck would be weird...
Done this
Still counts
What. The. Fuck?
Been there done that. Happens more than you'd think.
Sounds like magic
Wow. Bet that produced ridiculously powerful orgasms. \nNote the heavy sarcastic tone.
lmao done this but with her feet XD
You're coke dick's the lazy bitch.
That was supposed to be a reply to Wrongnumber69... And I spelled your wrong... WhateverthefuckIgiveup.
Good try. I was going for record most thumbs down.
It stinks like sex in here.
Straight out of shameless.
Bitch move. Time to issue a warning.
Lazy bitch. Snort a line and get to work.
dude couda just told you to stop and jerked off in front of you.... be grateful... and learn to give better hand jobs
Just as easy to hold your head and get facefucked. And much more satisfying.
Got to try said action
It's a Dutch rudder, if you do it twice he'll dump you.
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