No, she isn't nearly as crazy as the girl who wanted to wear a vial of my semen as a necklace.
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Pearl are doing it wrong.
You have to consider the crazy to hotness ratio. Crazy isn't always crazy my friends.
Crazy is still crazy.
Wow. Now I know what to ask for next valentines day. Haaaa haa!
I just logged in to say, what the hell? Run for your life, whoever you are!
Martha is back in town?
look I only wanted it so I could clone u later.
Crazy makes you crazy
Amen, Titus.
But, is she as crazy as the girl who wanted extract your semen to build the necklace?
If she wanted to help extract said semen... not really that crazy. If she carries a random vial of semen on her for such accessory occasions... completely bat-shit crazy. Know your level of crazy, dude.
I had to thumbs it up to make it an even 420
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