knocked up was a horribly not funny movie, but elizabethtown was worse.
and i like kirsten dunst
i just cant stand orlando bloom and the 3 faces he uses in every role he plays.
all of you people who say its a "great movie" with "great music" and a "great story" are probably thinking of garden state
i;m a film major.
Anyone who can honestly say Elizabethtown was a great movie can suck it, and all your friends should never trust your opinion about anything ever again.
Elizabethtown is a decent movie with killer music. I don't know how much she can be blamed for being overshadowed by the pretty that is Orlando Bloom. :P
Elizabethtown is such a legit movie.. great music, great story. SOMEONE HAS TERRIBLE TASTE... you probably think shit like knocked up was a good movie.. one of those people.........
Elizabethtown had absolutely no redeeming qualities. I would rather sit in Elizabethtown, KY and watch traffic go by for two hours than see that crap again. I bought it on dvd before seeing it first. Miss Chiklet-teeth owes me 19.98, plus tax.
8:35, no one ever said kirsten dunst was in knocked up. they said people who didnt like elizabethtown were too busy drooling over shit like knocked up.
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