Okay the common myth about putting tampons in you nostrils for a nose bleed is busted. It just starts coming out through your throat.
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Plus, tampon pull strings hanging out of your nostrils looks way more manly than blood streaming down your face...
Actually, tampons do absorb the blood, but you still have to lean forward to prevent any excess blood from going down the back of the throat.
Ice on your nose will stop the bleeding quickly.
Silly rabbit, trix are for kids
Best thing you can do is have then tilt their head back and breathe through their mouth while you laugh at them.
Congrats for being wrong with outdated information. No one wants a stomach full of blood. Head between the knees so the blood clots faster. Nice try though.
wait, my head or the injured's?
And as the tampon expands from soaking up all the blood, it's just going to break your nose even more. A friend of a friend learned that the hard way.
Oh, so I guess vaginas and noses are different then?
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