I have a question: does pizza dipped in chili sound good or am I just really high?
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To both.
The answer is yes.
I dub this "Cincinnati Pizza"!
Sounds awesome...and I'm not even high!!!
I know what I'm having for dinner!
Can't it be both
@janesmokes. Best of all time. That makes me smile.
Definitely both.
it does matter, both snd about right. haha
That doesn't sound bad actually!
why not just make a chilli pizza? have all the toppings you want on it, make the final topping chilli smothered all over, and a shit ton of cheese :)
Sounds awesome...and for the record, I'm not high!! Lol
... or should it be Oregon chile?
How can this be Cincinnati pizza if it was made in central Illinois? Possibly Springfield.
you're a douche. who corrects grammar on here
ur a douche for calling somebody else a douche who didn't do anything that would make them one
You're both fucking idiots.
Thank you.
It sounds awesome!!!!
New food group
I can extrapolate why you believe such, but yeah, your just high.
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