Hell, we got 8 years of a dipshit from Texas in the White House because people can't punch holes. That this guy didn't know what a "yes" vote meant, surprises... who, exactly?
As an aside, at least where I'm from, in the polls it doesn't just for or against Prop 8 or whatever bill it is... it actually has what you're actually voting for in there. So "for" would also say, "for the legalization of only heterosexual marriage" or something to that effect.
Hmm... That IS a good point. Actually, that's a fucking excellent point.
Who the hell doesn't like cake?
I'd have awesome fucking cakes at my wedding. ...not that I'll ever get married at the rate this country's going, but there's always Canada.... Stupid Canada.
I think this text is supposed to be funny because they messed up their wording. However, this is a Philly/Philly-area number and unless they moved, they would not be able to vote on it ...
legitly done, everyone should just agree that gays and lesbians should be able to get MARRIED, have their cake, and eat it to. pun intended. ;D chocolate or vanilla? terrible typo though, you're making us pennsylvania people look bad.
That is actually the biggest reason why Prop 8 passed. because dumbasses got confused when it came down to vote, and voted the wrong way. Bravo, California. Bravo.
Question I have is why this was posted. Was it posted because of the idiocy of saying he voted *for* Prop 8, when he meant to vote against it? Or was it posted because he said he likes wedding because of the cake, regardless of his textual error? Regardless, if he made that same error at the polls, someone should find him and slap him. Or her. It could be a female.
the text was referring to the fact that she voted AGAINST prop 8, therefore getting to go to MORE weddings. haters. and by the way prop 8 was across the whole country at different points in time, not just california, so calling out the person in pen is actually calling yourself out on being uneducated...
Clearly OP ment delicious cake, as in the kind you must eat.
That of course is the only logical explanation for the aforementioned statement made by OP.
...I'm relying on my fellow /b/tards to get with me on this.
Um, could everyone calm down with the "You mean against" crap? The dude is probably just a little bit health conscious and getting a little tired of America being the most obese country in the world. Stupid fatties.
The Philly phone number could simply be a CA voter who currently lives in PA but voted by absentee ballot.
And I've slipped up and said I voted FOR 8 when I actually voted AGIANST it. Easy mistake. The damn thing was confusing.
the dumbass realized that s/he voted FOR prop 8 and realized that moar weddings=moar cakey times and then kicked her/him self in their stupidass head for not realizing that when they heard the Supremes' ruling.
They need to make a vote for a proposition be "for" whatever it's about. Average people are bound to screw up. The law makers do that shit on purpose.
This text sounds like it's from an owner of a cake shop. More weddings= more cake= more money. :)
1. Don't tell other bloggers, wait, make that don't tell ANYONE to "calm down," it's condescending and insulting.
2. When I read that text I thought to myself, "How many other retards out there voted for Prop 8 because they didn't understand or read the proposition info that was sent to every registered voter in October? (Or even the abridged description that was right there in their ballot next to each proposition being voted on...)
Seriously? If you could maybe turn it around to AGAINST prop 8 - then we'd have more cake. Thanks for ruining it for the rest of us who were REALLY trying to get more cake.
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