Also makes u a douchebag...this is why innocent people get killed bc of assholes like a firefighter I've used the jaws of life on countless retards like yourself... Let's just hope when u crash u don't hurt anyone else bc you had to be cool...dickhead
I have a DUI and I can honestly say the worst part was not the night in jail, $5,000 in fines, AA meetings (which are annoying if you don't believe in a higher power). Worst part was the embarrassment I felt for putting people in danger. Really not worth it. \n\nFor those of you who hope he/she gets hurt... that's not any better. I just hope he/she wises up.
Wow your an asshole and everyone sticking up for this guy deserves to be hit by a drunk driver themselves. Call a fucking taxi, if u wanna kill yourself go ahead, don't endanger other innocent people, you selfish bastards
sounds like the army guy i broke up with because he thought "hell if i get my license taken, i still have an army license" which apparently over rides a regular license and they can still drive
because maybe the people on here commenting have lost someone close to a drunk driver and in no way what so ever, not even on a site like this, want to promote drunk driving at all.....
What is with all the uptight assholes on this site? Get drunk and drive... It's fun... So what if you plow into a bus full crippled school children, they weren't contributing to society anyway... Soccermom with 4 kids? She was a whore and drug addict. God Damnit people! Loosen the stick you have wedged deep up your asses!
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