stuck in the elevator with that hot guy from the 3rd flood. Worried he can smell my spray tan and desperation
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If you're even half way good looking, all he can smell is ticking elevators off his bucket list.
spray tan and desperation have the same scent
If you're stuck in an elevator with a hot guy and you're wasting time texting, you're not very smart.
I was that guy in the elevator. And yes, I did.
Break the awkwardness by farting as loud as you can. Guys dig that sort of thing.
Watching you text with your tongue sticking out of the side of your mouth while giving him sideways glances.. believe me, he can smell both.
As long as you don't look like a carrot, you'll be alright.
There's no better way to pass the time in a stuck elevator than hooking up. Elevator sex ROCKS.
Skanky - good one!
Those two tend to go hand-in-hand.
I smell GTL.
Oh, Utah County.. Yummy
Porksword: You are the definition of an idiot.
Gotta love dudes from natural disasters. Although, the two dudes from the first 2 floods were douches.
No way he smelled it over the sh1t in his hair.
After I read all of the updates I got it. Funny, good job pork
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