ok forget about abortions for a second, and let's take a moment to realize that the government funded NASCAR...quite possibly THE MOST USELESS THING ON THE ENTIRE PLANET.
Hey coumtryboy, only a small fraction of planned parenthood's funding goes to abortions. Most goes to cancer and STD screenings, as well as other gynocological services for underinsured women. Also counseling services, education, and birth control
Really? Maybe people need to make smarter decisions about their sex lives instead of relying on the government to fund sh*t like STD screenings. You know our country is in debt trillions of dollars, right?
Planned Parenthood is probably one the BEST places to help people make smarter decisions with their sex lives. Even good decisions do not make it unnecessary to go to the gyno, or get screened for cancer.
Are you fucking stupid? Everybody doesn't have or know how to get access to things teaching them safer sex practices. Namely teens, not to mention the "tiny" low income class that comprises the majority of this country. Coming from a public school myself, sex-ed is FAIL. Parents don't even educate their kids! I guess you also believe there shouldn't be financial aid for college students because their parents should have thought about that before they had kids. Like it or not, some
so we the taxpayer are expected to pay the bill for failed parenting? And it is the governments responsibility to provide student loans? How about applying for scholarships and getting a job to put yourself thru school with cash. how about taking personnel responsibility for your life and not expecting the government to help you along.
Apart from the fact that it's undeniably in the government's interest to have an educated workforce, you don't pay for my student loans; I do. Dumbass.
Oh, ok. So the government shouldn't give students LOANS (you know, the thing you have to start paying back, with interest, six months after you graduate or quit school?) and all students who want to go to college should have fantastic grades and get one of very few scholarships available? All students, who are only allowed to start working at age 16, usually around $8/hr, should pay for at $18,000/ year school in cash, and if you don't go to college, you can't get a decent paying job?\n
Trucker is right. We shouldn't have to pay for your parents failing to educate you. And everyone knows sex= baby so don't make excuses for people, especially when everyone has access to an Internet. Grow up. You're not 5 anymore. Uncle Sam shouldn't have to wipe your ass.
@whatsup: Planned Parenthood isn't just about sex education. They provide mammograms and pap smears at very low costs. These are the tests that help catch breast cancer and cervical cancer. These are extremely expensive tests and this is one of the few places to have access for people with low income and/or no health insurance. This is about women's HEALTH issues. But you seem to only be a talking point for your warped and limited view point.
I agree that people SHOULD make smarter decisions. But they aren't going to. I would much rather fund a 1 time abortion, instead of pay welfare for 18 years for a kid, the mom couldn't support on her own.
That's because the new Tea party people are stupid. They think lowering taxes on the people with the most money is going to create new jobs and help our economy. Wrong! It's going to widen the gap between rich and poor and make the economy worse for everyone but billionaires.
Your accusation has nothing to do with this text. If you want to play politics, why don't you take a look at what's happening under the Obama admin right now. A proposal has been made to increase taxes 1.5 trillion dollars in the next 10 yrs.
Yeah, and republicans couldn't live without their tax cuts for the rich. You were fine with giving people extended unemployment after the rich were safe. Good try though. PS** you suck at arguing. You have really idealistic and unrealistic ways of dealing with shit.
You're nuts. Where in my post above did I suggest how to deal with anything? And the "rich" are the business owners who employ your broke ass. Without them, you'd have no money and no job since you lack the drive or skill to open your own business or become educated in something that'll make you good money
That is stupid, American women should have abortions available for free-so we the tax payees won't have to pay for raising anymore kids on entitlement programs.
and to everyone saying we should keep our legs closed it takes two to have sex and make a child don't just blame women if we put out were sluts if we don't were teases it seems we can never win
The government doesnt "fund" NASCAR. The armed forces uses part of it's advertising budget for recruitment to sponsor several racers. This gets their name out there about the same as a billboard or tv commercial.
It's good that the military is "getting it's name out." Seriously - without those racing sponsorships, how would anyone know about the MOST POWERFUL, MOST CONSPICUOUS, MOST OMNIPRESENT MILITARY ON THE GOD DAMNED EARTH?
Our country is on a rapidly increasing decline towards financial oblivion and our leadership decides to cut funding for something relevant in order to fund a bunch of rednecks who make left turns all day. I think I might move to Australia or Japan or something. This is getting ridiculous.
So all you people saying make smart decisions so you don't have to have an abortion. You don't want to have sex? Protected sex can produce offspring. Then you might not be able to afford a child or are too young etc. Come on.
Goddamned Tea bagging Republicans. Saving babies my ass. All they are "saving" is a globule of cells that have the potential to become a human. They are not human yet. And don't we kind of need a population control? The Founding Fathers would be severely disappointed by what this nation has become.
After reading all your comments, You have to be the most retarded person on here tonight. PP provides a lot of good services and information to idiotic teens and people forced to endure "abstinence only" education who otherwise would get knocked up and put on welfare.\n\nGet a fucking clue.
Planned parenthood pushes abortions. If people want to be educated about sex and not getting pregnant, it's as easy as going to the public library and logging onto the Internet or checking out a God-forbidden book, lorddonkey. lawl.
Whatsup02 will you just shut the fuck up! seriously we get it you are against abortions but Planned Parenthood isn't all about abortions. They do help with everything else. & what happens to the people who do make good choices but then get rapped and cant afford to go to a normal doctor to get checked out for STD's. They go to Planned Parenthood. You are just too ignorant to see your stupidity
Planned parenthood isn't abortions it's sti awareness, and provides birth control for cheaper for ppl without med insurance and provides free condoms to help prevent pregnancy and diseases
@katahdin, i meant to thumbs up your 'i had to pay for your war' thing but missed...im hungover.sorry. anyway i agree. this is such a riiculous decision.
It's really sad because abortions won't stop if planned parenthood isn't an option anymore. Desperate people will resort to dangerous means of terminating a pregnancy.
wers also take a look at the healthcare bill. that also increases the hell out of taxes for the poor. the rich dont have to pay they already have healthcare and are not required to pay for ours. next time please argue with facts and do research. it is not the tea party who is rasing taxes. also look at the budget obama is proposing .HIGHER taxes on blue collar workers is what is gonna pay for it. also note that the Republican party is fighting it for that exact reason. they dont want higher taxes on us. D
Ya know, once y'all have jobs or a stake in this country driving your thoughts instead of your misguided, immature liberal beliefs, you might just care about the future of this country so it's around for the children you don't abort.
Planned parenthood should be funded... You are all trippen we don't need anymore babies born on drugs. Just give the crack monsters their BC! And free STD checks.. NASCAR is boring anyways...
to all of u ( guys and girls) if u didnt just fuck anything with a pulse and was smart about ur sexlife. witch is ur parents place to teach u as it was ur grandparents to teach ur parents. there would be no need for a place like planned parenthood. for abortions or std testing. and for u idiots who think a child isnt alive till its born. u r sadly mistaken. a childs life begins at CONCEPTION. if it didnt why are murderers charged for two lives instead of one when they kill a pregnant woman. no matt
Well, it was cast as humor, but it's more like, "Don't have sex with people whose values surrounding reproductive rights don't agree with your own." IOW, don't have sex with teabaggers. I'd think that was simple self-preservation. But on the gripping hand, it's funny how many pro-lifers will have abortions, or will fund an abortion for their SO whom they knocked up, because "That's different".
er how far along she is. and there is no such thing as an unplanned pregnancy. because women get pregnant by having sex. therefore if u had sex u knew she could get pregnant. its ur own fault. saying its an unplanned pregnancy is like shooting someone and saying it was an unplanned death. when pointed the gun and pulled the trigger, u pretty much decided the fate of the situation , same with sex
Hate to break it to you "soldier" (90% of the people claiming to have been soldiers are full of it) but this is the US, We're allowed to have a different opinion and voice it. Sorry you want a nazi germany style country where if you dont agree you are forced to leave. \n\nAlso how did you fight for our freedoms? Thanks to the war on terror we've lost a lot of freedom. Where were you when they were stripping us of our basic rights?
Just curious, how many of you people even vote? Just because the older generations make up the majority of the voting pool and I imagine most people on here to be quite young. Not saying you don't, but many people have problems with the government and don't vote. If you have a problem- take a stance, make a change.
to all u people saying i'll just move out of the country please do so and quickly save us the headache. and for all u sad ill informed dumbasses who think the Republican party is for higher taxes on poor people. take a look back at the bush tax cuts that help the little people like small business owners( not rich, but struggling business owners) that obama and the Democratic party did not want to extend. the Democratic party wants to increase taxes on poor or lower class workers and business ow
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