craigslist free llama. are you in or are you in?
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An alpaca will get you more money...just throwin that out there...
Ccccaaarll, that kills people
The free Llama was posted a few days ago on the Slo Craigslist. It's in AG.
Do they have any bear cubs? I want a bear cub.
"eat Tina, you fat cow!"
Fuck I hope they call their Llama Carl
To the people who turned down the llama... For shame!! I hope these guys got it.
I'm in hands down!!
there's no way this could ever be a bad thing. i'd be in.
This is awesome. I want a free llama!
@Yence hah! I'm in slo too!
Hell yeah!!!!!
My tummy had the rumbly's that only hands could satisfy.... Caaaaaarl!!!
Oh, I'm in.
I want in
In all the way
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