Then he took his girlfriend's fuzzy handcuffs and locked me to their bed. Key is in an unknown location. He's surprisingly idiotic, for being premed.
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texts I'm sick of: ones involving flippant attitudes toward cheating, and ones involving penis size.
huh... here i am thinking they have a release button on them. like most handcuffs that are used for sexual acts
These loose girls with loose morals are disturbing to me. I feel sorry for them.
You don't necessarily have to be smart to be premed, just studious.
That's because most frat daddy premeds are idiotic, which doesn't make it surprising. A 2.0 doesn't make u premed
Lots of angry premed's commenting on this one lol
Shut up slut! No one cares!
Maybe he's just setting you up...$1 to look at the whore! $5 gets any girl who has ever been cheated on two minutes alone with her!
Dude probably is cheating, but on his boyfriend.
Fuzzy handcuffs are for pussies. If doesn't leave marks it doesn't count.
uh, 1. she's only got one hand cuffed? 2. YES, those stupid fuzzy cuffs have a release. 3. this is fake... and really irritating for countless reasons. What happened to these tfln? I liked the real ones.
Assumptions: 1:that having a girlfriend means he must be cheating. 2: that your morals are a good benchmark for morals in general.
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