Vegetarians aren't healthier then meat eaters, proteins and vitamins given by meat can't be obtained by anything besides meat.. Go fuck urselfffff, big macs rule<3
That's completely untrue - there's protein in lots of things that aren't meat, and vitamins come in pills. I'm not veg, but I don't see the problem with it, as it can be just as healthy.\n\nMy problem is your ignorance. You should probably try and take better advantage of our education system. I hear if you play it right, you can get free school ALL THE WAY through High School! Think about it.
your MOTHER sucks a lot! don't fucking hate on us vegetarians just cause we're smarter, healthier, andt aren't going to die of a heart attack or clogged arteries by age 35.
You might not die of clogged arteries, but you will probably die of a heart attack still if you are always this angry! As far as smarter, your post certainly didn't do much to prove that point.
I like how @mystomachhurts is promoting vegetarianism, but yet is clearly suffering from gi distress... I'm a vegetarian, and I feel like that hurts the argument a little
I have no issue w/ vegans and vegitarians but you do realize that while meat eaters MAY suffer from heart issues eventually, you will suffer major illness if you even eat meat based broth?
I love these arguments. I legitimately just made an account to let you guys know how much it amuses me that people care so much about TFLN. Also I've never had a big mac, have had sex. But I just don't like cheeseburgers or onions or much from McDonald's. I do love meat!
Ah, and how exactly was I supposed to know that? I'm just responding to your comment. And tend to get jumped upon by oh-so-wonderful people who declare me a 'commie bitch woman' for my political views. Ah, well, I don't mean to start up any sort of an arument.
To those ignorant about vegetarianism:\nRaising animals for food is actually a primary cause of land degradation, air pollution, water shortage, water pollution, and loss of biodiversity. Doing your part to keep the world from falling to pieces hardly makes someone a "single minded asswipe." *cough*warrior46*cough*
So vegetarians equal hippies, who equal homeless people who smoke and criticize the government? Your logic is inherently flawed. Most vegetarians aren't hippies; most do it more for their health than the animals. But most vegetarians, seeing as meatless products for protein are expensive (not that you'd know, seeing as you too lack a job and probably don't pay for your own food), are middle to upper class. Most of us have jobs. Besides, meat-eaters are statistically more likely to d
As with everyone of breeding, I can say that. While I love meat, nothing which comes from McDonalds falls into my definition of the word. Go be poor somewhere else.
I haven't had a big Mac because I'm to busy GOING TO SCHOOL in the 8th grade so I can go high school and then GO TO DUKE to get a DEGREE so I can make a shit load of money
Haha... I love how children think they know everything. Duke? Good luck with that. If you're using that grammar and those words, you aren't going anywhere.
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