Grammar? Really? It seems counter intuitive that anyone would critisize grammar on an informal forum designed to discuss amusing drunken text messages. This isn't a fourth year Literature or English class designed around the proper use of a semicolon. If you derive all your self esteem by criticizing random informal internet post grammar, you seriously need to do some introspective analysis on more productive ways of deriving self confidence.
Who is this douchebag writing below me talking about proper grammar, I'll tell you what buddy, you spell check that for me and I'll tell you what a vagina feels like.
Should we throw you out for knowing nothing about human evolution? Comparison to Neanderthals? Really? At the very least you could have used Australopithecines.
i really don't think that there is a point to rag on his grammar. you understood what he meant. seriously do you think when he sent that text he was concerned about grammar? like he knew his grammar was going to be judged on TFLN? idiots
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