1:10- you're so right. thats why i refuse to take the shit. why take more hormones than your body produces?! if you're at a predisposition for certain types of cancers caused by overproduced hormones..then yah you're at more risk for cancer.
this shit was totally invented by a man who wanted to make it easier for other men to whore around without facing the consequences.
Birth control, the idea cam from a priest. I can't remember exactly, but I believe he created it to mimic the hormone balance found when pregnant. The new pill works slightly different. And actual, the pill doesn't give you cancer. Cancer is a mutation normally found in areas of high cell division. More periods mean more division equalling a higher risk of ovarian cancer.
Birth control pills were actually first on the market to minimize cramps...they just had that great little side effect of women not getting pregnant. Obviously there are medical risks involved in taking the pill, but geeeenerally doctors will tell you if you shouldn't take it. So most women don't get cancer or things like that when they take it.
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