Has no one thought that maybe he wanted to get to know her first? Think of how many guys have slept with a total nutter and not known it until a few days later!
(717) is a PA area code,not the jersey shore. I know this b/c i live in PA. Secondly, that is lancaster county and is mainly amish. Might explain date 3.
yeah yeah, we've all seen "love Stinks" with French Stewart and Bridgit Wilson... Nice try though. No Point for originality, but it was a pleasant movie.
I must be too hungover to read this correctly. There is no way this bitch weighs less than 240. Probably double bagger, 1 bag on her head and one on your just in case hers falls off. Lol douchebaginess of the jersey shore. Yeah I just made that word up.
One of my exes said the same thing. Date one she came sleep over. Date two she stayed the next night too and we slept naked. Date three was the following night and I took the Vcard.
no its a girl that sent the text but if the guy is actively avoiding fucking her then he is a classic closet case homo and she will eventually be his first hag
I'm guessing this text is an explanation of why the two of them didn't work out. Pressuring people into sex before they're ready never works out. Either they get hurt or you get dumped. Either way, if he (or she) says he's (or she's) not ready, then just wait. I was going to talk about willpower, but if these people had any, their texts wouldn't be on this site.
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