We'll both be dead in approximately 72-96 hours, with you bringing your liver out of retirement again, Favre.
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OMG I'M FIRST ON REPLYING TO A TEXT!!! WORLD LOOK AT ME I AM FIRST. Both of you are retarded idiots.
Imright/reran, nobody gives a flyin f@$k that youre first
Hey! Dick digger or waterer ur name is, shut the F#%k up, if u didn't care, y r u even replyin
Dam u product placement i was clearly before u, ur the returd, btw sry 2 whoever was b4 me, thought I was firsty
Oh god there really needs to be a font for sarcasm.
He needs to retire before he adds another shitty season with no superbowl hopes. Give it up old man, your days of glory were over 5 years ago
This text is dumb as fuck.
Let me be first to say this txt blew- stupid
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