The only thing i was looking forward to on 4th of july was the google logo and they let me down. That and beer, lots and lots of beer
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The Google logo was awesome today. Watchoo talkin' bout.
Agreed, the Google logo was pretty awesome today.
Dude...that logo rocks. It makes it rain stars!
It's the URL. If you go to HTTPS:\\\\ you will see a beta page. However, if you go to HTTP:\\\\ you will see the 4th of July page that honors Rube Goldberg too.
Yes the google logo was awesome it's right up there with the packman one :)
At least beer will never let you down.
Me too. (sniff sniff).
You fail because you were looking forward to a logo...
I couldn't figure out today's google logo for the life of me.. Can anyone explain?
That shit didnt look anything like the word Google
There wasn't a Google logo today- at least there wasn't a different one for me.
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