interesting what you kids think of men drinking wine... i didn't get the text at first, only after reading the comments. FYI: outside the US people (incl. men) actually enjoy drinking good wine, emphasis on GOOD. hell, drinking wine in a box? that should be the 8th deadly sin...
I'm not sure when guys drinking wine became a bad thing. The US is really the only place where it's seen as an exclusively feminine thing to drink wine and I don't understand why.
Hmmm. I think only homophobic guys in the US don't drink wine. Okay, okay too much generalization. That's like saying all French people are rude SOB's. Unless it's true, it's a generalization. Your call if it's true or not. A good wine is good. A shitty wine is, well, it's shitty. Pay a bit more for one, and You can tell the difference.
Its seen differently cuz in europe women want metrosexual men but here in the US most women want a man who acts like a man and can HANDLE alil more than spiked punched.
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