How much of a jerk can you be to think this is funny? Nevermind the fact that the asshole who said this was ALSO in McDonald's. Shame on you. That man is someone's dad or husband. How cold can you be?
To all those who complained:\nDude. Unless the person sending this text was the one making, paying for, and eating all the food APART from this guy, then there were obviously other people there to help him. I admit, this guy was an asshole. However, if the guy who had the heart attack ate there often enough to HAVE a heart attack WHILE have to admit, that's fucking hilarious. What goes around comes around.
Every day, 3000 people in the States have heart attacks. When was the last time you saw a story about someone having a heart attack on the news? I'm willing to bet it was a while ago and that the victim was someone famous.\n\nMedical issues are not news unless they're rare or afflict celebrities.
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