Sex and the city 2 and twilight getting released in the same month. God hates mankind.
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this truely is cruel and unusual ... i mean it should be illegal
Only, sex & the city 2 was released in May, and the next twilight is in June. At least God has some mercy.
Terrrrible movies
Maybe this is what the Mayans predicted o.O even though it's 2 years off
Sex and the city just got realeased a few hours ago in Australia and it was the 2nd of june upon it's release. Twilight 3 or whatever it's actual name is comes out this month too. So this text is correct for us Aussies LOL
He's making up for it with Toy Story 3. That ought to balance the universe back out.
Amen. :P
Yip..... This was written by an ozzy..
Wasn't twilight realeased like a year ago??
I think your definatly jumping to conclusions here
This post is just as shallow as those movies
I have never agreed with any statement more in my life.
Don't forget True Blood starts in June, too.
i dont know what to do good night or bad cause i totally agree
Except one was out in may and the other is out the end of June. Nice attempt, though!
I was really disappointed at how much SATC 2 sucked. :'(
I agree with lady1980
These ARE the end times. \nWhen hell is full the damned will walk ion the screens.
Sex and the city came out in may. Eclipse in June.
Yea both movies suck ass
Sex and the city was amazing. Twillight is for teeny boppers.
Yes the key word is man the twilight series is the literary version of a highschool girls wet dream god. Vampires \ndo not fucking sparkle god damnit
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