Some people just believe in paying their fair share. Our President made over $5 million last year. You don't see HIM bitchin about his tax burden. As a successful attorney who came from nothing, I'm never upset when I owe more taxes each year. Ya know why? Because it just means I made more money that year;)
My family just got placed I. The upper class tax bracket this year. Are we upset? No. We don't mind paying our dues to fund the society that makes it possible to make this kind of cash
So, it's cool then that the country nearly went into martial law by the end of it and we had a militarized police force, a war without end - of which we now owe China for, became a debtor nation to MEXICO, have the life expectancy rate of Bosnia, the infant mortality rate lower than Cuba's, and completely forgot that "Oh, this whole due process thing that the country was founded on" is just kind of important, otherwise we just jail people for no reason. Smart.
You forgot to put the magic word in front of surplus. "Projected". It was projected based on the dot com boom economy which turned out to be a big fake. For all the stupid things that ole G.W. foisted on us, the downfall of the dot com bubble was not his doing.
Submitted by
on Apr 21, 10 at 12:17pm
Reagan caused the surplus. Clinton caused the crash by cutting stock market regulations. And, as 'iamthatguy' said, we're over a trillion dollars in debt, we're going to be trillions[maybe even quadrillions] of dollars in debt by the end of Obama's term.
Maybe even quadrillions? Please. You do not make your point more effective with ludicrous hyperbole. The maximum conceivable Obama 8-year deficit is in the tens of trillions, not the thousands of trillions.
Obama hasn't even started campaigning and he's already got the majority popularity vote. He wins the young vote, the Hispanic vote, the women vote, the black vote, the equal rights vote, and he kicks enough a** to please the violent war hawks. And the republicans don't even trust him fully. Split republican vote + full democrat vote = Obama '12
He graduated from Harvard and Yale, flew a notoriously difficult fighter jet, and was twice elected president. If he was dumb, just how fucking stupid have you got to be? Bush was a shitty public speaker and put on a "Good old boy" mask, but he's not a stupid man, just a mediocre President.
Never served in combat. Thanks daddy! He was also put in office by powers greater than he. Got into Harvard because of daddy. Elected very controversially.
The United States doesn't even know what it means to be a democrat. In Canada, even our Conservative party is more liberal than your Democrats. I guess you poor Republicans can take comfort in that?
They are in some regards. On foreign policy, crime issues, and social policy, the Conservatives are well to the right of the Democrats. On fiscal policy and the social safety net, they're fairly similar overall.
If the person in this "phase" is in college, it's not likely. It's undisputed that the more educated one becomes, the higher the likelihood they'll have more progressive views. It's actually pretty hilarious that conservatives use the words "elite" and "academic" as pejoratives!
Idiots talking about "Obamas" ever hear of the 3.8 billion spent by republicans in don't ask don't tell? Or the trillions tax payers forked out to bail out banks that had million dollar bonuses for stealing your homes? Please think before you talk... Both parties suck Bush just perfected it
That is too funny. And I love the venom from Dems responding. It's just a fucking text, calm down and have a coke and a smile. Btw when ur in the real world and paying real taxes and a mortgage, I doubt you lot will still worship PresBo
Being liberal is about warm fuzzy feelings. Being conservative is about logic. \n The rich in California are all mega rich so all they have left to care about is charity.\n Don't be brainwashed by the liberal media and education system. They have an agenda for you to think that way. Liberal politics don't make ANY rational sense. That's why the only replies to conservative policies are to personally attack us as intolerant bigots, not rational refutations of our arguments.
Funnily enough I'm all for political freedoms so txfn can post what they want. But I'm just sayin perhaps dick and farts and sex is why I come here. No more plz
Republicans earn money. My parents have 2 jobs each to support our family and constantly rising taxes. Most Democrats I know don't earn a lot of money for themselves and think everything should be handed to them on a silver platter.
way to over-generalize. most republicans i know are greedy and heartless, whereas my parents have worked for everything to maintain a comfortable lifestyle, while still willing and happy to pay taxes.
We understand there are taxes to pay. We don't mind paying taxes. We just don't want them going to people who don't try to earn money [for welfare and such]. Some people are honestly hard workers and just can't get extra money, and I do pity them, but it's not fair to have money ripped from us and given to them.
Upper class here. I'm more liberal than conservative. Way to make general statements. Also, I'm noticing Obama made some serious green this year. He complaining about taxes? Nope
"Too" well, but yes it did, thanks for asking. It's unfortunate that Barney Frank and Nancy Pelosi caused the massive economic downfall during Bush's presidency.
George Washington said that party affiliation would be the downfall of our country. Where are we now? Falling. Most Americans are moderate. Most politicians are radical. Can we get a little better representation up in here?
Fuck republicans and their twisted superiority complex. Rich does not equal right. I'd rather have my tax dollars be spent on health care for MY fellow countrymen, education, and assistance for the needy, than tax cuts for the fucking rich, war, and oil subsidies
Stop turning this into a political debate this website is here to make pple laugh not scare them by saying china will invade and we all will die. Keep ur worthless theories to your self and leave tfls as just an escape from worry and stress.
Haha, china invading! Speaking of laughs, thanks for that one! I'd love to watch them invade the country that provides a quarter of their national income and half their food supply. With their pos military too
I really don't understand how republicans can even dream of talkin' about Obama when they by far elected the worst president of all time. Obama is tryin' to lay a foundation for the next guy to come in because of how bad Bush fucked up. I hope that Obama gets re-elected.
Yeah Obama spends a ton. How about the 3.8 billion on don't ask don't tell? Or the trillions in taxpayer dollars that bailed out banks that then had record bonuses for their executives? Idiots
Democrats want more government control. Republicans want the government to but out. It's funny, actually. Republicans want a democracy. Democrats think the government should control many aspects of life[socialism comes to mind].
People think he wasn't born in the United States? I support having your beliefs, but I am not about to start quoting Michael Moore or Bill Maher to argue my left wing ideals. So keep your Glenn Beck/Rush Limbaugh crazy talk to yourself! PS Obama was born in Hawaii. I know it's not apart of the continental United States and they had universal health care before most of us- but Hawaii still counts as the United States!
Democrats are like girls who like to shop, they get the money and spend it. Republicans are like the boys who save their money for better causes I'll go with saving boy
Both sides are fucktards. If you really think this country is gonna be better either way, you're in denial. China will someday invade and were all gonna die. Just accept it already. There's nothing your Palin or your Obama can do about it.
That's totally bullshit and I'm sorry you can't see that. The people who control this world are the people with the biggest guns, and as bad as that is, it's just the way things work. So hopefully someday you'll wake up from your beautiful daydream and see what the real world is actually like.
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