may 2, 2009, 1:41pm... thc definitely isn't going to kill anybody, misinformed people like you are why its illegal today. All the stoners I know who give blood to feed their addiction will love this.
no they don't throw it out, they need the blood too much to care. They'll only throw it out if it's life threatening.
Haha, and I've been there and done that with much worse.
I work for a blood bank, and they don't test for THC. By the time the blood is filtered and separated the THC is totally diluted anyway. Still funny though!
aaaaaactually, as someone who works blood drives regularly... because some people are allergic to thc (sucks for them but it happens) we can't keep any of it. please note that this is why as school blood drives and the like they tell you all the things you CAN'T have in your blood and if you have em don't bother showing up cause you're just wasting time and throwing blood away.
may2,1:41..i think its really funny how you wrote dumbass after your message when you are the one that is such a fucking idiot, when have u heard of someone dieing from pot? and i love how may1, 2:38 so just got bitch slapped by 10:16...just because you volunteer at a blood drive alot doesnt make you a doctor...SO THERE!
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