Ok seriously if you have to defend your branch of service or offer some type of reasoning for being in it, you must not be a Marine. Oohrah semper fi, do or die. You better believe we get the fucking job done.
Bottom line, my fellow airmen and myself are responsible for most of the technology used by the military. If it weren't for us... Marines would have an exponentially larger death rate. Why risk lives by sending bodies in when we can just blow the fucking enemy up? AC130 > Marines. CCT
@4:12 def agree. PR are the last resort. Especially for getting people out of hot zones. Much like black hawk down. People assume horribly when it comes to AF.
Ah my favorite topic, hey morons you all do the same bullshit, who gives a fuck? Really at the end of the day 300,000 people out rank you STFU you ignorant assholes go to college.
Go to College? Hey ass face, I have my associates, two bachelors and a Masters. Im 27 and an E4. I left a high paying job to serve my country. What do you do?
I'm in the air force and I work on nukes up at FE Warren in Wyoming. Our job is dangerous. And I'd be the first "suck nut air force" kid to go overseas. I have volunteered several times actually. Come back when you've actually been in longer than a year kiddos
Dude Im in the Air Force and I find it hard that a nuke tech would deploy. Why are we sending our nukes off to war? If we arent, then why would you go?
For all the people saying AF ain't shit; you try flying a plane without shitting your pants, or try working on one without being completely lost, have some respect for everyone, marines, army, AF, ect. You try arguing on which is better when their all helping eachother, without AF, marines would be getting massively fucked up as we speak
the navy has more planes, the only thing the af did for me was get me from afg/iraq to wherever the civilian birds would take us home from... the only exception to that is the af pj's and the women who made for one hell of a mattress
Airmen are always so sensitive =\ marines are dicks I legit have never met a nice one. Fuck it..we all get paid the same money and basically all do the same shit it's hilarious people like cry over this bullshit. It's just boys being boys...
Everyone knows the Army is where it's at:)
...uh dude all the branches are paid the exact same, unless you are talking about sign on bonuses which the AF only offers for spec forces, linguists and EOD. However fields like Intel have a max re-enlistment bonus of 90K, depending on your rank and how many years you re-enlist for and your specific intel field.
See, pararescue. Seals. Rangers. Green berets. These are all small parts of their respective branches. Marines are just all around bad ass. Ima helicopter mechanic and I was doing infantry shit in Afghanistan.
But yea, we all work together to accomplish the same mission. Were just better at it
I agree... Watch foxnews once in a while kids. Every branch is important especially the AF. I'm in it and work with all branches at my base. I respect them all, but when shit hits the fan and people are trapped, hurt and can't get out. They call on pararescue. Not seal, rangers, green berets or delta...
It is true, just not fully. PJS go in with Delta and Rangers to provide assistance. Now if a journalist is kidnapped, Delta rolls in, everyone knows this. However if its a medical/ rescue situation PJs get the call. When it comes to bad asses taking lives: Delta. When it comes to bad asses saving lives: PJs.
Honestlly AF sounds like a bunch of pussies... Marines are where it's at, I mean really flying around dropping bombs is fun and all but when you need to have to fight block by block, house to house, it's not the frail AF, it's the army/marines
So whats your job when you get out of the Marines? Gunslinger? Lets see when I get out of the Air Force, I work Intel, 240K a year as a contractor. We respect the Marines, but we would respect you guys a whole lot more if you didnt have the cocky attitude, (deserved or not).
YouTube pararescue and then tell me the AF is lame. I love civilians and other ignorant people, some of whom took an oath to serve yet still run their mouths. Should I mention the AF blew up bagdad and every other towel head strong hold since the gulf war...
Look at you fucking idiots, lol, brainwashed all make the same based on rank and special duty, but you argue over who does more work....sounds alot like slavery.....odd
Funny I've been in Army for 5 and been deployed 3 times and I'm going for my 4th this June. My job, communications. Yet I have seen combat all the time while deployed.
I spent 7 months in Afghanistan at 3 different FOBs, outside the wire and riding in BlackHawks and dealing with IEDS. When you say AF don't put themselves in harms way, what about Combat Controllers, TAC-PS, PJs, EOD and Intel that go out with them?
1:48 and 1:58 can lick balls! remember who u guys call when shit hits the fan and u can't finish the battle or are injured during battle and a need a pararescue jumper to save ur lives! so don't say the Air Force sux unless ur in it or in it's spec ops program
yeah, thats army medevac chief. i dated a girl from the air force who got deployed. when she showed me the pics, it looked like she was on vacation. complete with a bathing suit and swimming pool. its spec ops program and sear team is bad ass. other than that, your e-4s live like our e-9s, and you walk around with an undeserved sense of accomplishment.
Im guessing her deployment was to Al Udeid Air Base, Qatar or some other BS not real deployment. No one in Afg or Irq is in a bikini. In fact, when I was at Bagram we were with the Army. Its an Army base, however we did have nice housing (thats just another perk of being AF). Also the Army that was there was a bit odd, swearing and acting all hardcore, but some were cool. My Dad and Brother were Army. If our E4s do live like your E9s, is that a bad thing? That seems like a bonus for us.
Also, Im sure there are a lot of people in each branch that have that cocky undeserved attitude. AF is cocky because, "generally" although pussier than the Army or Marines we're usually smarter.
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