i'm gonna be open about how bad 12:13 needs to shut the hell up and quit trying to impress strangers on tfln for "letting" her boyfriend watch porn. i mean, why not?
Any highschool freshman (not to mention 7th graders because it's the same curriculum) would know this. So don't think you're a genius if you get the reference.
Actually, 9:46, that would be a conditioned reflex. A conditioned reflex is a reaction to stimuli of a certain kind in a certain way. In this case, the garage door opening is the stimulus, and the deletion of porn the reaction. This has obviously happened many times, so he therefore deletes his history every time the stimuli occurs, just ecause of his trained areaction.
Yay, psych class has finally paid off... I get it!! ;-)
Anyway, find yourself someone who won't kick your ass for watching porn - it's a better relationship if your open about it. My bf is allowed to wath porn, I mean why not?
pavlov was where this scientist did a test where everytime he would feed his dog, he would ring a bell. then once he rang a bell without feeding him, and the dog would salivate. just in case some people didn't get the reference..ha
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