Church is not meant for that. I went last night and I looked pretty but I covered up. You don't need to show your titties and too much skin to look good.
"All the women who fought for the feminist movement hate u"
LOL 11:38AM
You just used to the term "whore". You should have nothing to say on behalf of the feminist movement.
1:57 you can "rock it" without looking like a slut especially at church. There are these things called respect and morals maybe you should look into them.
@ 11:38
As a feminist I'm gonna say the girl who wears what she wants is doing a lot more for the movement than the girl that calls her a whore because of it.
Take a look at "My short skirt" from the Vagina Monologues... then keep reading.
Despite media bullcrap, feminism isn't about hating anyone.
Wow. That was so unnessecary. If Jesus wasn't real, none of uS would be here. And even if you don't believe Jesus is god at least be smart enough to realize he was a real person. Dumbass.
Mary Magdalene was not a whore, it is proven that she wasn't. One of the women hating catholic popes made up that lie, and it clung on. But for real, she wasn't a whore. She was actually from a family that was kind of royalty. And btw, I think that all of you should calm down, really this is texts from last night...what do you expect?
Do any of you people calling this girl a whore remember Mary magdaline? She was one of jesus' closest friends, and a prostitute. Don't be so quick to judge, Jesus didn't! So, yeah, don't you feel like. Assholes now? Yo should, you judgemental douches.
hihihi this is so funny and all you guys who criticize this girl: she admits that it's way to slutty so it's not like she thinks it's normal. give her a break, it's funny haha
Dressing skanky to church is just being disrespectful to people whose life is about their religion. Funny text, but if I knew someone who did this I'd think they were a bit of a dickhead.
If you're going to dress like that to go to like a party or club, fine. But to church, really? You're just asking everyone there to hate you. There are occasions where your just going to have to wear clothes, sorry to break it to you honey. This just proves that you're immature and I hope that you finally decide to grow up and be appropriate.
Ah, nothing like keeping the Christmas spirit - NOT! Geez. This is suppose to be a time of peace and goodwill and you tards just wanna hate against a fat girl dressing like a skank to go into a house of worship.
Dressing like a slut is fine, but it's too bad you have no respect for the people around you. You should always dress appropriately for what you are doing and church is not the club :/ I feel bad for the people who went to that service to celebrate with their families and had to look at you.
All the women who fought for the feminist movement hate u
I can wear that slurry dress too honey but I bet I look sexy and classier than u in a business suit standing next to the cheap whore (u) n chiech
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