for this to be possible, the person needed to drink 15 -17 drinks...
so probably not possible
especially if you're able to go to the should have a MASSIVE HANGOVER
This shits weak, i blew a .15 12 hours later...granted...I was in jail...for jaywalking...I feel like cop may have overstepped his bounds. We will see on court Jan 14th!!
haha i love all the amateurs on here that say its bull shit...its possible.. ive did it before.. i blew a .11 after 12 hours... everyones body handles alcohol differently..
825 (2)...I used to drink a big gulp of ice and citron before going out...then close the bars with mind erasers at last call. 15-17 drinks over a 4-6 hour period is excessive but not impossible. And, .08 IS still drunk--the hangover hasn't hit yet!
the liver can only process one standard drink an hour on average so if a person is a heavy drinker and drinks a case of beer they could blow .08 12 hours later. dont believe me look it up
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