you need to be attractive for this to work...
and this does work because everyone at your old high school watched you grow up during your awkward stages
people at new schools didn't get that experience, so they are just basing everything off of how you are now.
Everyone is interested in the new girl at first. She only has to be semi attractive and put out. Then guys make it a contest to see who gets her. And yay - everyone spreads a little herpes around.
Yeah, you actually have to be attractive. This is some stupid Twilight reference from a dumb white teenager who goes to some asinine suburban school and actually thinks people will notice her at another white-bred suburban school even though she's just like everyone else.
Normally I'd take this time to insult you, but I'm gonna throw you a little twist. You are the star of my new movie.
Nope twisted again. Try to keep up Dee.
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