This site really needs usernames. I bet there's only one noob asshole that keeps shitting on this game. VIOLENT GAMES KEEP US SANE ENOUGH TO NOT KILL YOU FUCKTARDS!!
totally understand. i lay in bed at night and think that my ceiling fan is an emergency air drop.
and when i watch movies i start naming all the guns... tar-21, m16, FAL.
COD is the shit!!! My husband tought me how to play and now I'll watch movies and start naming the F*ckin guns........ugh sh*t guess that's not good either......<~~~~also in the 215 !!
anyone who says "Oh fake" or "needs to learn to separate fiction from reality" needs to learn to understand a joke, if this was a real text they obviously joking. FUCK.
Hahaha. All the people crying fake or stupid have never enjoyed the 1080p awesomeness that is MW2. Everyone that is fist pumping and round house kicking, I'll see you in the back alleys of Karachi. Yeahhhhh!!
I was in the airport the other day and three guys in suits walked by me speaking something that wasn't Russian but sounded like it, I almost bolted out of the airport.
halo can gobble a fat 1. i aced that game in 5 mins as soon as i figured out how to jump.
and ill give the xboxers credit. its a lot better, because it never breaks, it is 10x more powerful, has a bluray player equipped with it, and doesnt charge you $15 a month to play online. awesome system.
If you guys have a hard time separating fantasy and reality, maybe you shouldn't be playing video games meant for adults.
And when you do grow up, remember that Xbox 360 >>>>> PS3.
This is the gayest fucking shit I've ever read on this website. Wow. COD is the most overrated game of all time. First one to see the other person =win
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