Why is this even on this site? This 'text' doesn't fit into the contexts of any related site, like FML or MLIA. Just don't discuss it, problem over. =D
Al Qaeda catches word of the mass of people at New Moon openings. No one does anything to stop them, in fact we gave them the intel. The world is a better place.
How in the FUCK does twilight end up here? People (like my ex) who fantasize about the characters, or fight over who's side is better should just jump off a fucking bridge, it may make the country's iq rise a few points if you do...
Before you go do me a favor and grab the nearest bottle of flavored bleach and have a few glugs that will make your twilight experince that much better you fucking dunce
If you can't hold it that long instead of spending money on a movie you should be using it for copayment at the doctors because you have bladder problems
ok so you are absa frikin dikulous !!! i am a dude who red all four books and has seen both movies so dont judge me or twilight bash...team edward by the way...but effin seriouslyyyyyyy depends the movies arent even that damn good like ur sad if your that obsessed
God...I read two pages in one of the books and I cudnt stand anymore. Harry potter is so much better...the guy who said the difference between Rowling and meyer is that meyer can't write worth a damn...you stole that from Stephen king
That's gross as hell. Sorry people but I'm excited too! I'm seeing it at 7:30 tomorrow night:) I know people who are seeing it at midnight. They're going to be tired tomorrow..geez. Not worth my sleep.
Twilight would be more redeeming if there were at least one hot sex scene to go with all the bullshit, but of course, it's L-shaped covers....fuck that and fuck you.
Well / say FUCK all of you who can't grow up and accept that people actually like something other than sex, drugs, and alcohol. Get the fuck over it. It's a shame, I normally wouldn't be talking like this, but I've got to use your lingo just so you might consider what I'm saying.
Omg you are amazing, hilarious, and genius!
I love how everyone is calling you a bitch like killed their mom. Ur my hero, and I'm obviously the only opinion that really matters ;)
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