To Write Love On Her Arms? It's for depression, addicton, self harm and suicide - which will most likely affect EVERYONE in their lifetime, so I think we should give it a little respect for the help they give people
TO WRITE LOV ON HER ARMS is a non-profit movement dedicated to find suupport and help spread awareness for those suffering from depression, addiction, self-injury, and suicide. TWLOHA day is when everyone who wants to can write love one their arms to show their support. it's not stupid and it has helped a lot of people. anyone who says it's stupid or uses it to get laid is a jerk.
if you wrote the word "love" on your arm yesterday, it shows that you support the program to help prevent self-mutilation and suicide. in other words, emo teenage girls.
why should we dedicate a day to people who don't want to deal with shit in a healthy way? lets just make a day where people write shit happens on their forehead for everybody who shit happens to
Nov 14th 3:16pm -"I'm a cutter and I assure you I don't do it for attention. Few people know I do. I keep it very well hidden."
Dude, cutting and pasting on word doesn't count.
TWLOHA is a non profit orginization against depression and suicide. It is a movement, of spreading Love. It is not a cock block or a clothing company. It is a group of people who formed to help a friend... look into it. They are amazing and one day we will stop the bleeding. We will
Be the hopefully*
wow. TWLOHA is something important.
people who cut need to know that there are people who LOVE them.
i've lost too many friends to suicide and if writing love on my arm can prevent that, i'm sure as hell going to.
Look if you are a cutter, don't coddle your problem by celebrating it. Find a solution. I believe that these kinds of problems can be solved by giving, learning, and travel. Find a place where you can help people with severe problems. Your existence as a helper will seem more important and you will gain a better perspective on struggle.
@ 1:35 ... so only emo teenage girls cut themselves? Uneducated asshole.
And wow. OP. YOU SUCK. You must be ugly as fuck if you need to resort to using an amazing self-mutilation help program in a lame effort to get your tiny dick some action. >:|
9:25 i'm not being a whiny fucking baby nor am i feeling sorry for myself cus unlike ur stupid and more than likely fat and ugly slef i have someone so fuck you,u immature little prick!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Last words b/c I'm not giving you the satisfaction of spewing your twloha propaganda to me. Go cut yourself in the corner, under a blanket, wherever it is you "hide". You need attention b/c you feel sorry for yourself. Plain and simple. Bye forever, cutter
it's not "celebrating" the problem, you dumbasses, it's about encouraging people to get help and to stop. Are any of you idiots aware that most people who cut experienced sexaul assault or some kind of sever abuse in their lives? Is that a legitimate enough problem for you? I wish depression, addiction, and abuse on everyone here who laughed at it.
Except most cutters do it where no one can see.. Hmm your logic is slightly off.
All you can can is use adjectives to negatively describe people. You are certainly going far in life.
why dont these pussies deal with such 'horrible' life events like the rest of civilization? ... copious amounts of alcohol and promiscuit. TWLOHA = pansies.
Also, wouldn't you rather have productive people in this world so they don't just sap SSI from taxpayers their entire existance. I know I would. So get them the help they need.
All you sensitive little bitches need some tissue. Boohoo. Life is so bad. How should I deal with it? I know. I'll draw attention to myself by cutting myself.
Oh that's right, the cure is to get together with bunch of people who can't help themselves and putting your problems on display. Then chastizing those who overcame similar things because "it's too hard". If you aren't willing to work hard and fix your problems in a real way, then cut deeper. Unemployment is at10.2%. someone could use your job.
This is so wrong. I'm so glad that you wrote love on your arm. Just next time, make sure you check yourself into the program too for you addiction to being an ass.
twloha is about giving people attention. its saying in essense "these people choose not to deal with the same shit as everybody else in a healthy way" lets dedicate a day for them.
@5:58, I'm not "pisssssssssed" because you didn't support 'my' (even though it isn't mine) "little wan.ker emo fahgit ass celebration", it's your decision. I'm "pisssssssssed" because it's getting disprespected by ignorant people.
You are a pig. TWLOHA is incredible, not a tool to be used by fuckers like you too inadequate to get laid. Fuck you. I hope you never get a piece of ass ever.
It's to write love on her arms. It's like if you wann help uhm like people that have been abused..or something idk it's kind of stupid I don't see how writing on your arms is going to help anything.
I cut my sometimes and wipe the blood on my face so it mixes with the tears that pour down my face everytime I think about how people think about me ever since my ex caught me cheating on her with her horse :[[
First of, that's fucking clever lmfao. Second, it wouldn't just be the emo girls he'd be getting with...a ton of girls I know only support the cause cuz of their friends not because they're emo theirselves. FTW bro.
@ 4:09 pm ... but all of those things are WRONG.. They shouldn't be judged of course, but helped. However that doesn't make any of those things right in any sense. Ever. At all.
7:22. Cry me a river. Who cares? EVERYONE has lost someone close to them. Deal with it. Go cut yourself. I deal with my depression by laughing at emos and making fun of people that cut themselves and celebrate twloha.
I support TWLOHA because my younger brother recently got clean from drugs and alcohol, after years of pain and suffering on his part and my family's. I want other addicts, as well as anyone else who needs help, to see that people love them and want the best for them. I feel sorry for those of you who don't see it that way.
9:19. You don't sound bitter and ignorant at all! Most people that deal with depression don't cut themselves. Quit being a whiny fucking baby! Quit feeling sorry for yourself and deal with it you bitch
To Write Love on Her Arms is a non-profit movement dedicated to presenting hope and finding help for people struggling with depression, addiction, self-injury and suicide.
writing Love on your arms spreads awareness dipshits.
someone will ask why you have it written there and you explain it
its not that hard to figure out.
hahah this is great! but all you'll get are lame emo Hot Topic chicks LOL
FYI, *I* am a self-injurer, and even I think the whole TWLOHA movement is idiotic and promotes the kind of idiocy that goes along with cutting for attention.
5:21, so you're supporting the cause while wishing these terrible things on others? sounds a bit f.u.fled up to me, but then again, you probably cut yourself up too. don't cut yourself, GASH yourself. kthx cun...t
@1:14: YES
And just because it hasn't seemed to be addressed yet, people cut themselves for the pain release, it hurts, the body releases endorphins, and they feel better. It's really no different than drinking, smoking, or banging random women. Sooner or later we all deal with our problems in unhealthy ways, so why are we judging these people?
You might not be able to see it, but they fucking talk about it, so that's kind of the same thing, dick. Your logic is nonexistent. Now go cut yourself and quit talking about it.
Some of the posters are so damn ignorant.
Cutting was around for a long time before "emo boys and girls"
There are seemingly "NORMAL" people that cut too.
wow. TWLOHA is something important.
people who cut need to know that there are people who LOVE them.
i've lost too many friends to suicide and if writing love on my arm can prevent that, i'm sure as hell going to.
Continued from above at 7:22
So if I am weak minded because I am depressed or sometimes suicidal or turned to alcohol to help with my problems, I will not apologize to you or anyone else you inconsiderate waste of a human being. And please learn to type and spell before your next ignorant rant. I rather be considered weak minded than ignorant.
You're all fucking ignorant dickheads. Don't bash something you don't understand. Yes, people deal with shit in different ways, sometimes self-destructive. But that's subjective and PERSONAL to each individual. I supported TWLOHA day yesterday, and I'm not an emo or whatever you want to brand me as. Learn some fucking respect and don't judge something you don't understand. Just because you don't deal with shit like others doesn't mean your way is the only way, okay? STFU.
i wonder if some idiot got the instructions for this weird holiday wrong, and actually cut love into his arm. hahaha that makes me laugh. probably the guy that wrote this text actually did that. and then got his ass kicked at the bar for being a wanker intsead of pickin up chicks.
So let's cut out all support groups. AA, Alnon, helplines ect. That way we can weed all the bad seeds out. That is what an uneducated person sounds like.
I struggle with self-injury and I hate this emo TWLOHA shit. I hate emos in general. They make people who really struggle with something that is embarassing and destructive look like a bunch of attention whores.
@6:24, I meant that the problems and dealing with them are personal - the day is to raise awareness so ignorant fuckers like these don't act the way they do.
Yes, you and your "friend" are weak-minded. Now go cut yourself b/c you're depressed. Boo Fucking Hoo! Everyone is depressed to some degree. Most of us don't cut ourselves. Emos and the like ARE weak minded!
Oi, TWLOHA was created because the guy's friend needed money for rehab, so he made cheap ass shirts and sold it to gullible wemo teenagers. The money went to his friend's rehab.
10:28. The name calling is amazing. You can be so casual to some one you don't know.
And I walked in on her doing it. That's how I found out... Again with the assuming. Makes one seem insecure and ill educated. Instead of having a conversation all you do is name call and assume.
Yeah, you guys are right.
I should just ignore the crippling emotional pain I feel every day because even though I was beaten as a kid and sexually abused, I live in America.
I have love written six times on my arms from yesterday. It WAS 7, but I was the only one smart enough to use washable marker. My friends wrote on me in sharpie :-0
Ohh well. It's a good cause(:
I'm tired of all these bullshit pancy American problems. You know there's no bullemia day in Kenya? I bet political prisoners don't cut themselves due to low self-esteem. I'm all for taking advantage of the weak-minded. Shut up and get tough, or you're gonna be making toys in a factory for Chinese kids in ten years.
i would have more respect for the twloha but A. its a verbose acronym and B. its a fcebook fad. people SAY they are going to do it but very few do. C. their are statistics that show people who cut do so for attention
Wow I'm not a cutter thanks though. Assume much? The cutter I know never talked about it. But that's okay. You can live in your small minded world and name call. It only proves your intellectual level is lacking.
women in Afghanistan who are forced to marry often burn themselves as a form of rebellion or a way to express their depression. i doubt we'd be bashing them or calling them 'weak pussies' if there were a holiday dedicated to their cause
9:50 i know how u feel,i went through the same thing as a child and then last year my baby son was murdered by his own father after he kidnapped him from my best friends house.
9:38 i agree with u wholeheartedly ,no one knows the hell i've been through,i lost my 10 month old baby boy to murder at the hands of my ex aka his own father,after he kidnapped him !
people that cut their arms should just stop being pussies and cut the jugular instead. that way i wont have to read or hear their whiney bullshit. life is a bitch get over it. either get fucked in the ass by life or do the fucking thats why i say!
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