so, there's no sheep in ALL of England? Wales has 100% of the UK's sheep? hmmm, pretty sure there's wierdo's in every country... perhaps the person who texted this in saw the only man in England walking his pet sheep. Strange huh
If you are a freeman of the city of London then you are legally allowed to "drive" your sheep over London bridge ( you know the one you guys bought instead of tower bridge......, what can I say)
Hey you idiots, Wales is part of England now. Call it the UK if you want, but we know it's just your greedy imperialism backfiring ;) You took it over, now you get to take on the stereotype.
Erm, people don't generally have sheep as pets, and 10:08, wtf I've actually never heard anything so fucking stupid in all my life, England is it's own country, as is Wales, the UK isn't the same thing you twat!
Hey theres a old lady in Lubbock, Texas that takes her pet Aardvark for a walk on a leash. She walked in front of my house at least twice a week last year. And I thought Austin was supposed to be wierd..
Why is everyone arguing?
Besides the fact it was just a funny text and evidently meant no harm, just because Wales is associated with sheep, doesn't mean the stereotype is true, and of course we have sheep in England...
For the record, to anyone who wants to say I'm just another dumb American sticking up for American idiots, I'm English, from London.
I just think you're all making a huge deal of a text that meant nothing...
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