Read 11:33, while keeping in mind that "PRETENED" isn't a word. Oh, the irony. Tell me you don't revel in the fact that he/she is as stupid as it fucking gets.
I was so high I made up fake dumb ass texts and sent them to TFLN. OH WAIT, it's the TFLN IDIOTS WHO WERE PLAYING WITH SOCKS. my god, bye bye stupid app. Delete. No stars!!!!
this is fuckin retarded how is this funny? When people get high they dont just start playing with socks i mean you do random shit but i mean play with sox? fake as hell and gayer than a bag of dicks.
this guy is a poser. he smokes because the thinks it makes him cool.
i hate smoking with people like that. he probably listens to The Beatles because "That's what stoners do!1!11"
Sounds like this is the first time this noob has gotten high.
Fucking noob.
True weed smokers just get high and then mind their own business.
This guy is one of those false weed smokers.
Fuck this guy.
Pretened? What does that mean? Before you became a teen? Is he too stupid to fucking spell? I'm tired of my generation being apathetic and ignorant. They're easy to spot. The ones who clown me and then defend his typo.
Everyone who freaks out about how these are fake, suck a big cock. The owners of this website are the ones you should be pissed at. They decide to post them. Chiiiiiil out guys.
6:50 ftw
if all you do on this site is over analyze whether or not the texts are real or not, then maybe you should get life or find something more productive to do.
They're meant to be funny. Or even shit you can relate to.
All you fuckin haters need to chill out.
You're so high that you played with your sock and legitimately thought it was a mouse, yet you were coherent enough to send a text message telling someone how you are aware that it was weird that you played with your sock/mouse...
Riiiight... Okay... Sure
Agreed with. 7:21. This site just isn't funny anymore. Since we can't stop people from submitting "I wad so high..." texts, I will just delete the app. :(
10:43 He/She Said And I Qoute "i pretened my sock was a mouse" Key Word PRETENED!! So How Can He/She Get Rabbies!?!? Read More Carefully Next Time... So You Don't Look Like An ASS!!
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