You gave him head? He fingered you? A little bit of make out?
Quoting wale wont save you from herpes
Def regretting not writing "will blow for extra credit" on my last final
I cant tell which is worse. That its only my third time doing laundry this year or that its the first time ive done it sober.
I wish you would stop telling everyone that your cock turned me into a Bears fan.
According to this USDA thing I just read, I should either get upper respiratory issues or begin to bleed from my nose and mouth.
Hmmm. I never knew the difference. I've done either one and had stronger or weaker versions but usually if i took enough, i tripped balls. That should be a PSA for kids... if you take drugs and the drugs are weak, just take more drugs... The More You Know
I should come with a disclaimer that reads "bad at relationships and defensive when confronted about it"
or maybe "WARNING: picks fights when bored"
Regret, thy taste is box wine.
Fine line between drunken accidental sleepover with your best friend's lab partner and gay sexathon. I did a cartwheel over that line. A CARTWHEEL THAT LANDED IN HIS LAP
Also, I wish we had magnetic nipple rings and our boobs stuck together.
just because you have a nice tits it doesn't make you a magic little snowflake.
I've faked every orgasm I've ever had, I think I can fake being sick for 8 hours.
WHY DID I MAKE A 7 minute video of me eating crackers and cheese when I was high
Send it to me
We were high and the scary movies were scaring us too bad. Were all watching porn instead now