Seriously, stop being so datable w your movie/song prefs
There is no way to make a throwing up smiley so just picture it....
Yeah he doesn't get it. We had to change the subject to Keanu reeves before someone got hurt.
This guy randomly got in our taxi, and has now collapsed on the sofa anouncing that he's staying the night.
Its people like u that make people like me go to rehab. He has a lazy eye for christ sakes.
That would be a dream come true. Seriously, he's like my mount everest, my life's ambition is to climb him.
he said he'd buy me TWO burritos if I took my shirt off
Here is a brilliant idea passed on from men who have that same regret. WEAR A FUCKING CONDOM ALWAYS.
Great news! In less than 2 hours, I'm ripping your underwear off with my teeth!
Think of all the island guys I could have. Ah well.
You can not bait me into a "how Stella got her groove back" call and response.
Got cut off last night cuz this chick had her hands down my shorts and was blatantly playing with my dick while I was trying to order. apparently that's "frowned upon"
Move ovrr Titanoc and all you others. Heres the real tale of woe. This ladys failed search for boozdy goodnezs.
If I get a 4.0 I am doing SO much cocaine.
She doesn't even give a fuck about angle. I seriously gotta start doing like penis yoga or something.
Your life is a soap opera of great sex, cats, and booze.